Marketing Manager
During my time at Loma Linda Academy, part of my job as a Marketing Coordinator/Graphic Designer was to take lead in email marketing. I worked with LLA's marketing and advancement department to send out open house invitations, alumni gatherings, and campus newsletters.
My overall tasks were to research previous campaign reports, meet with the campus recruiter to strategize next campaign, design graphics, seek feedback with my team, list selection/segmentation, perform A/B testing, and co-write copy with the campus recruiter. I often kept myself informed by following Phrasee, Litmus, MailChimp, and Freshmail for the latest news on email marketing. I also took photographs for email as well.
The team listed what we agreed for all emails:
• Simple Design.
• Clear Call-to-Action.
• Attractive Graphics.
The most important email campaign is the weekly open house invitations. As a private Christian school, we focus on prospective parents who prioritize quality education in a Christian environment. Therefore, our goal is to set a consistent, high customer conversation rate through parent educational consultation sign-ups. I do this by designing the most effective messages and design to reach our benchmarks.
As you can see below, we designed this open house email based on previous analytic reports to a certain segment of our mailing list. This email campaign is one of our bigger open house events. The project duration was two months. We sent out the first email a month before the event date followed by two emails in November. Like all our emails, I designed this email to be simple and easy to read for our target audience. One call to action button is all we need to get parents over to our event sign-up page. Since our target audience is parents, we kept our copy short and to the point.
Another type of email I sent was campus events. Normally, campus events were part of the larger marketing strategy and are open to the public to increase school awareness. For example, to market the LLA 2016 Community Fair, we used paid social media, billboards, paper ads, printed posters, and email. You can read more about The 2016 LLA Community Fair in detail here.
As for the email, I created the graphics and wrote the copy. And like most of our campus event emails, I worked with certain departments in charge of a particular event. In this case, I worked with the event coordinator for the business office.
Below is one of many emails we send out to the community and all our email lists. We've sent out the total of five emails for this event.
Another major email campaign was the annual Roadrunner Golf Classic. Every year, the Alumni office has a fundraiser for tuition assistant. For the 2016 campaign the goal was to raise $20,000. The campaign funds were for parents who need financial assistance to pay for tuition. We also included the gym renovation project to inform potential donors.
For this email, I collaborated with the Director of Alumni Relations, Joni. She wrote the copy and I created the graphics and email design. We scheduled five emails in a two month period leading to the event. At the end of the email campaign, we had 80 sign-ups and paid to compete. We raised over $30,000.
The annual Young Alumni Vespers (YAV) are for recent LLA graduates. It's much like a "welcome to the alumni family" event. Even though have a few alumni events throughout the year at LLA, YAV is the first alumni event of the year. So it's one of the big alumni events of the year.
For this project, we used a newsletter to email our alumni segment list. The copy was written by the Director of Alumni Relations while I created the graphics and email design. We scheduled three emails a month before the event. Joni also created a Facebook event and kept track how many people were planning to attend. On the night of the event, 30 participated in worship, games, and eating delicious food.